General Tips
Elementary Students (Grades K-6)
Elementary Students (Grades K-6)
- Modeling Reading and writing in any language
- Finding math and literature in daily routines--at the grocery store, during a car trip, etc.
- Allowing children to witness you figuring out a challenging problem
- Listening to your child read and reading to your child daily
- Assigning a consistent time and place for your child to complete homework
- Building time in your daily schedule to play with your child
Secondary Students (Grades 7-12)
Secondary Students (Grades 7-12)
Getting to know your child's counselor and meeting regularly
Helping your child learn money management skills
Encouraging your child to participate in extracurricular activities
Finding time to have dinner together regularly
Maintaining open communication and finding balance between being approachable and maintaining your authority as a parent
English Language Arts (ELA)
English Language Arts (ELA)
Kindergarten-Third Grade: content-rich nonfiction fuels young children's interest in the natural world.
Fourth-Sixth Grade: Common Core focuses on students ability to read, write and listen carefully to grasp information and ideas based on evidence in the texts.
Seventh-Twelve Grade: Students independently build knowledge through core standards for literacy in history/social studies, science and technical subjects
Fourth-Sixth Grade: Common Core focuses on students ability to read, write and listen carefully to grasp information and ideas based on evidence in the texts.
Seventh-Twelve Grade: Students independently build knowledge through core standards for literacy in history/social studies, science and technical subjects
Kindergarten-Third Grade: Drawings and models help students visualize numbers and recognize spatial concepts.
Fourth-Sixth Grade: Common Core allows students to use many different methods to solve a problem and requires them to think critically about how they achieved their answer.
Seventh-Twelve Grade: Integrated courses incorporated algebraic and geometric thinking to help all types of learners understand the math concepts.
Fourth-Sixth Grade: Common Core allows students to use many different methods to solve a problem and requires them to think critically about how they achieved their answer.
Seventh-Twelve Grade: Integrated courses incorporated algebraic and geometric thinking to help all types of learners understand the math concepts.