Social Emotional + Behavior Resources
Caring for the social emotional and behavioral wellbeing of students is critical to ensure they are successful at school, and have the skills to build confidence, understand their own strengths and weaknesses, collaborate with others, navigate social situations, develop strong relationships, and make better decisions.
- TRUSD Social Emotional Supports
- Handout: TRUSD Social Emotional Supports
- Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction for Teens -
- Website:
- Life Skills Game Guide:
- Discover Your Best Self:
- Website:
- Class Dojo Mindfulness:
- Mind Yeti:
- Website:
- Greater Good in Action
- Website
- Mindful Choices
Positive Behavior Support Systems (PBIS):
Positive Behavior Support Systems (PBIS):
Positive Behavior Support Systems (PBIS):

Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports (PBIS) is a decision-making framework that guides selection, integration, and implementation of the best evidence-based behavioral practices for improving important academic and behavioral outcomes for all students.
Behavior Bits
Behavior Bits
For more information:
Kelvin Surveys
Kelvin Surveys
Kelvin Surveys
The Kelvin screener assesses the responses from families, students, and staff on improving the climate of our district. These questions are on our district’s highest areas of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) competencies and will be used to identify areas of growth and areas of improvement in climate.
Kelvin: How it helps our students and families
Kelvin: Cómo ayuda a nuestros estudiantes y familias
- Students/Families
- Family and Community Engagement (FACE)
- Parent Resources
- Special Projects
- Student Services
- Child Welfare and Attendance
- Homeless Education
- Complaints and Inquiries
- Counseling
- Foster Youth Services
- Gender Equity/Title IX
- Health Services
- Back to School Health
- Covid and Flu Information
- Dental Resources
- Drugs, Opioids, and Fentanyl - What can parents do?
- Emergency Numbers
- Free Bicycle Helmets
- Health Care and Clinic Information
- Immunizations
- Medications
- Mental Health & Wellness
- School Nurses
- Teen Health
- Tobacco Use Prevention
- WSCC & Wellness Policy
- Library Media Services
- Paper (Tutoring Service)
- WIN Academy