The Twin Rivers Unified School District Board of Trustees has approved an adjustment in trustee boundary areas in accordance with new 2020 U.S. Census data. The newly adjusted boundaries affect Trustee Area 4 (Elverta and Rio Linda) and Trustee Area 5 (North Natomas and Robla).
Every 10 years, school boards use new census data to adjust their district lines to reflect how local populations have changed (Education Code Section 5019.5). This process, called redistricting, ensures that each trustee area represents about the same number of constituents.
Twin Rivers Unified School District’s current method of elections is a by-trustee area system in which candidates for the District’s Board must reside within a specific trustee area. The District is comprised of seven board member areas. A board member residing in each trustee area is elected by the registered voters who live in that particular trustee area.
Redistricting Process
In late September 2021, following a delay due to COVID-19, the 2020 census data was approved and released by the California Department of Finance. After review of the District’s trustee areas, and based on the most recent census data, the District’s demographer (Davis Demographics) determined that the trustee area map was no longer in compliance with California Education Code section 5019.5 since the population is no longer balanced. Boundaries must be redrawn when there is more than a 10% variance between the most populated trustee area and the least populated trustee area.
The demographer created adjusted map options (Plan A and Plan B) for consideration to ensure approval, compliance, and submission to the county well in advance of the Feb. 28, 2022 deadline.
After a presentation and public hearing on Dec. 14, 2021, the Board of Trustees selected the Map B option to serve as the District’s trustee area map until the release of the 2030 census.
Changes in Trustee areas DO NOT affect school attendance boundaries.
The final revised trustee area map will be sent to the Sacramento and Placer County Registrar of Voters.