Purchasing and Warehouse Services
Department Goals
Department Goals
Department Goals
The Purchasing, Warehouse, Print, and Mail Department supports the goal of the district to close the achievement gap through the following:
- Customer Service: Improve service to our schools and departments, by making the delivery of services fast, efficient and available. We want all students and staff to know that their needs are met to prepare them for learning and achieving.
- Standardization and Equalization: We will save time and money by standardization of goods and services. This will help keep the quality of products equal at all sites, and provide the opportunity for schools to take advantage of the benefits of a centralized service center.
- Streamline the Process: Make use of technology to provide efficiency in the system. Move quickly to implement the remote submission of requisitions, warehouse orders and print orders. By making the process more efficient, teachers and school staff will spend their time with students, not paperwork.

Monthly PO Count and Lead Times
This chart highlights TRUSD's busy season by graphically displaying the number of requisitions entered that month in blue. The red line graphically displays the average lead time from the moment a requisition is entered by an end user to the time the PO is sent to our vendors.
Purchasing and warehouse services Staff
Purchasing and warehouse services Staff
Purchasing and warehouse services Staff
Francine Brissey
Director of Purchasing & Warehouse Services
Director of Purchasing & Warehouse Services
(916) 566-1600 ext. 36257
Administrative Secretary
(916) 566-1600 ext. 36275