Facilities Construction and Planning
About Us
About Us
The Facilities Planning & Construction Department supports the district's academic programs with safe and secure environments that enable students to optimize their learning experience. Our responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
- Manage all district properties
- Master Planning and forecasting the district facilities needs
- Building and modernizing schools
- Major repairs and land/system improvements
- Facilities Work Requests for minor site improvements
- Facilities Use coordination and approval
- Lease & Property Management
- Public works contracting
Bid Project & Construction
Bond Oversight Committee (BOC)
Site Project Request
All requests for room modifications, major/minor construction and new installation of equipment (anything attached to the building, classroom walls or attached to the grounds) must be submitted to the Facilities Department for review.
Please submit all requests using this form: SITE PROJECT REQUEST.
For questions related to your Site Project Request contact Elizabeth Villagomez at Elizabeth.Villagomez@trusd.net.
Long Range Facility Master Plan
The facility master plan is a roadmap for the long-term stewardship of school facilities in the Twin Rivers Unified School District. Since its creation in 2015, this plan has been updated annually to reflect progress made, realign and reaffirm long-term goals, and to continually identify ways in which our school facilities can best support teaching and learning in the classroom. We are continuously focused on implementing the long-term vision to build and maintain school facilities that support the delivery of high-quality education. Each accomplishment propels us forward in that goal. See where we’ve been, where we are, where we’re going and how we’ll get there.
Long Range Facility Master Plan
Public Notices
- Public Notice of Hearing - Proposed Developer Fee Increase
- Notice of Availability of a Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration and Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration for Highlands High School Sports Complex Project
- Draft Initial Study/ Mitigated Negative Declaration For The Proposed Highlands High School Sports Complex Project
- Notice of Availability of a Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration and Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration for Grant Union High School Sports ComplGrant-Athletics-Complex-IS-MND_0809-21-1.pdfex Project
- Draft Initial Study/ Mitigated Negative Declaration For The Proposed Grant Union High School Sports Complex Project
- Northlake ES Preliminary Environmental Assessment
- Development Fees UPDATE
- Proposed Development Fee Increase
- Resolution #873 - Selma Clark
- Signed Notice of Exemption - Del Paso Shop
- Signed Notice of Exemption - Dorcas Ryan
- 2019 Board Approved Resolution #759 Developer Rate Increase effective June 8th, 2019
- Developer Fee Justification Study 2019
- School Facility Fee Justification Report 2019
- Bond Oversight Committee October 24, 2016 Meeting
- Bond Oversight Committee October 24, 2016 Meeting Minutes
- Twin Rivers USD Integrated Pest Management Plan
Director Facilities Construction and Planning
(916) 566-1600 ext. 36205
Construction Manager
(916) 566-1600 ext. 36206